Pine Street Insurance

Safety Tips for New and Experienced Drivers

Since you’ve been driving for a while, it should be no problem teaching your teen how to drive, right? Believe it or not, student drivers are now being taught differently than most of us were. Here are a few tips you can implement to keep both you and your teenager safer while driving:

No More 10 and 2

Remember the old adage “keep your hands at 10 and 2” on the steering wheel? Today, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration recommends that you keep your hands at 9 o’clock and 3 o’ clock to prevent your hands from getting in the way if the driver-side airbag deploys after an accident.

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Hands-Free Devices Can Still Be A Distraction

Technology has improved dramatically over the past few years, with many devices implementing hands-free methods of accepting calls, sending texts and changing music. While these upgrades help reduce distractions, it’s still important to stay vigilant while driving. Interacting with devices, even through voice activation, can still be distracting. Loud music can also contribute to heightened risk while driving. Be a good role model to your new driver. Don’t text or accept calls when driving and keep the music at an appropriate volume so that you’re still able to hear surrounding noises, especially emergency vehicles.

Keeping Your Distance

Many of us were taught to allow at least three car lengths in between ourselves and the car in front of us. Today’s instructors are recommending a simpler three-second rule: Keep an eye on the car in front of you and spot a fixed object that’s even with that car. Then count how long it takes for your vehicle to reach the same object. If it’s less than three seconds, allow more following distance behind the vehicle ahead.

Adding a new driver to your house can be scary, but with proper training and great examples from their role models, teens can be well prepared for the road ahead. But before they take the wheel, give us a call to make sure they are fully covered on your insurance policy!

Ready to Learn More?

Connect with one of our insurance specialists today.

Why Choose Pine Street Insurance?

At Pine Street Insurance, we are committed to providing our clients with outstanding customer service. We have access to many different A-rated insurance carriers that are able to provide coverage across the country. This means we will shop them all and find the best insurance offer whether it’s for your home, flood, auto, motorcycle, boat, recreational vehicle, or personal policy. We also offer bundling of policies to provide you further discounts and savings.

All information presented is for educational purposes only and not intended as financial advice.

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